Artificial Intelligence Syllabus
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Artificial Intelligence Lab
The following programs may be developed –
1. Study of Prolog.
2. Write simple fact for the statements using PROLOG.
3. Write predicates one converts centigrade temperatures to Fahrenheit, the other checks if a
temperature is below freezing.
4. Write a program to solve the Monkey Banana problem.
5. WAP in turbo prolog for medical diagnosis and show the advantage and disadvantage of green and
red cuts.
6. WAP to implement factorial, fibonacci of a given number.
7. Write a program to solve 4-Queen problem.
8. Write a program to solve traveling salesman problem.
9. Write a program to solve water jug problem using LISP
Artificial Intelligence Notes
Unit 1: Introduction : Introduction to Artificial Intelligence, Foundations and History of Artificial Intelligence, Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Intelligent Agents, Structure of Intelligent Agents. Computer vision, Natural Language Possessing.
Unit 2: Introduction to Search : Searching for solutions, Uniformed search strategies, Informed search strategies, Local search algorithms and optimistic problems, Adversarial Search, Search for games, Alpha - Beta pruning.
Unit 3: Knowledge Representation Reasoning: Propositional logic, Theory of first order logic, Inference in First order logic, Forward Backward chaining, Resolution, Probabilistic reasoning, Utility theory, Hidden Markov Models (HMM), Bayesian Networks.
Unit 4: Machine Learning : Supervised and unsupervised learning, Decision trees, Statistical learning models, Learning with complete data - Naive Bayes models, Learning with hidden data - EM algorithm, Reinforcement learning.