1. To find out the average of few integers:
Implementation Code in LISP -
(defun func(l1 l2)
Implementation Code in LISP -
(defun alt( A B)
(cond ((and (endp A)(endp B))NIL)
((endp A) B)
((endp B) A)
(T (cons (car A) (alt B (cdr A))))))
(alt’(a b c d)’(1 2 3 4))
(A 1 B 2 C 3 D 4)
(defun averagenum (n1 n2 n3 n4)
(/ ( + n1 n2 n3 n4) 4)
(write(averagenum 10 20 30 40))
2. Reading Input from Keyboard:
write ( + 15.0 (read)))
3. factorial program using recursive:
(defun factorial (n)
(if (= n 0)
1 (* n (factorial (- n 1))))
>>(factorial 3)
4. Using iteration run the above pro.
(loop for i from 0 to 16
do (format t "~D! = ~D~%" i (factorial i)) )
5. Sorting Numerical List
The < function is used when sorting a numeric list. For example,
(sort '(4 8 21 17 33 7 21 7) '<)
produces this:
(4 7 7 8 17 21 21 33)
6. Append two string lists :
(append '("a" "b" "c") '("d" "e" "f"))
7. List Manipulating Functions
The following table provides some commonly used list manipulating functions.
- (setq l1 ‘(3 4 5))
(setq l2 ‘(4 7 8))
(append l1 l2)
Output:- (3 4 5 4 7 8)
- car (car (list 4 6)) (car (list "f" "y" "i")) : It takes a list as argument, and returns its first element.
- cdr (cdr (list 4 6)) (cdr (list "f" "y" "i")) : It takes a list as argument, and returns a list without the first element
- cons (cons 1 2) :It takes two arguments, an element and a list and returns a list with the element inserted at the first place.
- Command list: It takes any number of arguments and returns a list with the arguments as member elements of the list.
- Command append: It merges two or more list into one.
- Command last: It takes a list and returns a list containing the last element.
- Command member: It takes two arguments of which the second must be a list, if the first argument is a member of the second argument, and then it returns the remainder of the list beginning with the first argument.
- Command reverse: It takes a list and returns a list with the top elements in reverse order.
- Command list (list 4 6) or '(4 6) : create a list
8. assignment : 8 Program for merging two unsorted-students-name-list in sorted order
;sorting the strings
(sort (list "Amal" "Akbar" "Anthony") #'string<)
;merging the strings
(merge 'list (list "Rishi" "Zara" "Priyanka") (list "Anju" "Anuj" "Avni") #'string<)
9 – Assignment:9: Define a Recursive LISP function which appends two lists together.
Implementation Code in LISP -
(defun func(l1 l2)
(if(null l1) l2
(cons(first l1)(func (rest l1) l2))))
(func '(1 2 3) '(4 5 6))
(1 2 3 4 5 6)
(cons(first l1)(func (rest l1) l2))))
(func '(1 2 3) '(4 5 6))
(1 2 3 4 5 6)
10 – assignment : 10 Define a recursive LISP function which takes 2 lists as arguments and returns a list containing alternate elements from each list.
Implementation Code in LISP -
(defun alt( A B)
(cond ((and (endp A)(endp B))NIL)
((endp A) B)
((endp B) A)
(T (cons (car A) (alt B (cdr A))))))
(alt’(a b c d)’(1 2 3 4))
(A 1 B 2 C 3 D 4)
Endp predicate checks to see if
- is an empty list. T is returned if list is empty.
>> (endp ‘())
>>T (because list is empty)
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